Social and Emotional
Learning Resources

Relay Parent Resource Links
Social-Emotional Teacher: Jillian Attanasio
Social-Emotional Teachers support the academic and social-emotional development of students through preventative and responsive services in collaboration with teachers and families. Possible interventions include student conferencing, assisting student in identifying appropriate coping strategies, creating student-specific behavior systems and incentives, family consultation and referrals to community mental health partnerships. |
School Counselor: Brittany Kipp and Katie Piper
Professional School Counselors support the academic, career, and social-emotional development of all students by ensuring equitable access to high quality educational opportunities and creating safe learning environments. School Counselors work with all students through classroom counseling lessons, group counseling sessions, and individual counseling sessions.
School Psychologist: Leah Zimmerman
School Psychologists provide equitable access to a comprehensive continuum of psychological consultation, assessment, and intervention services to address the learning, behavioral, social-emotional, and mental health needs of all students while also supporting high academic achievement and continuous growth in safe and secure environments. |
School Social Worker: April Lewis-Carter
School Social Workers identify and eliminate barriers to students' academic achievement and their healthy social-emotional development through direct and indirect services such as: individual and family counseling, conflict resolution training, and children/family advocacy. Additionally, School Social Workers may support students and families through community outreach and resource development. |